More on the Fingerprinting Priest and Confirmation
I missed commenting on this part of the fingerprinting priest story. The pupils will mark their fingerprints every time they go to church over three years and if they attend…
Go South, Old Church?
USA Today talks of a church that has decided to up and move from Buffalo to the Southern State of Georgia. St. Gerard’s was where her grandparents and parents were…
God Moments: Grocery Store
This week’s God Moment comes to us Via Facebook from Melissa McKerroll Francis: “I was in line at the grocery store. The woman ahead of me was buying more than…
Doppleganger: Hayes and Cal Ripken
Over at Facebook it’s Doppleganger Week. Users have been asked to post pictures of someone famous that they look like as their own profile picture. Here’s mine. Oriole Hall of…
The Legend of the Heimlich Maneuver
Today is the feast of St. Blaise which traditionally is the time to get your throats blessed. It was a great tradition in New York City and many would participate…
This Is My Body, Given For You..Try Not to Mess Up the World Now
Thinking more deeply about donating my body to science, I wonder if there’s the possibility that the doctors who use my body might learn something that leads them to do…
Ash Wednesday: Fast, Pray, Give
BustedHalo® expands their Daily Jolt feature every Lent to what they cleverly call Fast, Pray, Give…to reflect the three tenets of Lent: Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving. Each day you get…
Don’t Lie About Going to Mass…Father has fingerprints
From Just when you think you’ve seen it all or Technology inside the church, Polish-style“A Polish priest has installed an electronic reader in his church for schoolchildren to leave…
A Concord Shout Out
One of my favorite blogs gave me a major ego boost today. A Concord Pastor Comments included me as his link of the day which is quite an honor. Fr…
Helping the Poor Deemed Not Good Enough
Deacon Greg points us today towards a NY Times headline about St Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan, the last Catholic hospital standing in NYC. Today that last bastion of Catholic Healthcare…