The Bishop of Buffalo Bishop Kmiec is now blogging on the Buffalo diocesan Web site.
The office of communication tells us that “several other diocesan staffers are also blogging: Youth and Young
Adult Ministry director Kathy Goller is blogging this week from the National Catholic Youth Conference in Kansas City. Denis Coakley, director of Pro-Life Activities and Dennis Mahaney, associate director of the Office of Parish Life.
You can check them all out at
As much of an influence on the world of technology and catholicism as I might like to think I have, this one cannot be attributed to me. I have yet to meet Bishop Kmiec (pronounced Kim-Ick) but from what I hear from those around me and others who have had experiences with him, I have nothing but good things to expect. “He’s an extremely down to earth kind of guy,” reports one Paulist Father who was able to share living space with the good Bishop several years ago. Others in town report the same story.
As the Bishop nears retirement along with his other brother Bishops in Western NY: Bishop Matt Clark of Rochester and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany.