Learning from Yom Kippur
FIND forgiveness. There's an apt phrase. To find forgiveness, we must seek it out. We must be humble enough to admit our own broken humanity. To realize that we are…
A Deacon-to-be blogs Catholicism by Mike Hayes
FIND forgiveness. There's an apt phrase. To find forgiveness, we must seek it out. We must be humble enough to admit our own broken humanity. To realize that we are…
Here’s a Podcast on the CoronaVirus Pandemic and the response of communities in Western NY that I did with the Rev. Stan Bratton and the Network of Religious Communities.
Since the Unitarians are a creedless faith, The Rev. Peter C. Boullata took up the charge of hoping that they haven’t “institutionalized narcissism. He talks about the challenge to do…
So I love the blog Peacebang, who is everyone’s favorite Unitarian. She’s creative and hysterically funny. She must also know that I have a penchant for recalling the times in…
A touching and sad story of combating the world’s worst hatred and of a failure to understand all that was risked in doing so. Eva Weisel writes in an op-ed…
a h/t to Deacon Greg and a Happy Hanukkah to all of our Jewish brothers and sisters and especially to my family–Laura and Dan Eder and their children, Ronnie (who…
In Leesburg, VA, Christmas displays are causing discord. Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are scheduled to put up their contribution this weekend. It’s a banner portraying…
I’m finishing up some work today and Ripley the dog came to visit my office at St. Joe’s. She nuzzled up and slobbered on my computer (she just drank water)…
Yom Kippur begins tonight for our Jewish brothers and sisters, but perhaps those of us who are not Jews need this day even more. The idea of atonement, making reparations…
A joyous New Year to our Jewish friends–but most especially to my family members: Dan and Laura Eder and their children: Ronnie, Becky, Ben, Molly and (most especially, because I…