This Sunday we hear about the Transfiguration in the Gospel and it contains one of my favorite lines in scripture.

“But he (Peter) did not know what he was saying.”

How often can we all say that? We think we have all the answers and stupidly we should know better.

The role of “the fool” in much of Wisdom Literature and in this particular reading is always the one who never shuts up. The fool prattles on and on and is basically just taking up airtime without measure to his words.

Perhaps that is what we need to hear this Sunday. In the silence we often find God, we transfigure ourselves out of the world of noise into a more contemplative space, where we meet God in all His glory and there are no words to be said. We are filled with awe and wonder and God just basks in that same silence with us in union with him.

The transfiguration is a foretaste of what we all will become when we meet God in the next life. Perhaps we are headed to a more serene, less wordy experience? Perhaps fewer words need to be said or words need to be chosen more carefully.

Today may we choose our words carefully, spend some time in a space where words need not be said and be still and know that God is God.