So I’ve been blessed by parishes that do good liturgy throughout my adult life. But I think this year had to have been one of the best Easter Vigil Masses I have ever been to.
As we lit our candles from the Easter Candle and shattered the darkness we prayed the Exultet louder and louder–as the Jews pray at the wailing wall. (I wish I had video or audio of this but I was lighting candles). The prayers just built higher and higher and the music for the Exultet built as well until the sound of crashing symbols called us back into silence and then music. Beautiful.
Dramatic readings led us into hearing the story of our salvation and they were wonderfully prepared by a bunch of strong actors and lectors and my wife who did one in sign language. And our gospel proclamation complete with procession by our Deacons was also moving as was Fr. Jack’s homily.
Of course seeing the newly baptized and confirmed always moves me, but it especially did this week. We are a church mired in scandal and yet, 11 people decided to join our universal church in our parish and thousands more worldwide. Here’s just a snip of confirmation along with our outstanding Contemporary Music Ensemble singing the best version of the Litany of Saints that I’ve heard in some time.
He is risen, indeed. I’m part of a great community and He is truly alive in them.
Continued Easter Blessings to you and yours.
And we know that He is alive.