Well…they sorta did. But not really. Here’s one version of that story to get you up to date.

You have to speak Vaticanese to know what they really mean as opposed to how the media spins this to be.

What they meant to say is that in both instances these are grave matters that the church won’t stand for–but in obvious different degrees. For instance, molesting a child is a civil crime where individuals are seriously abused while, ordaining a woman is certainly against the church law (at this juncture, anyway) but not the civil law, and certainly doesn’t merit the same kind of repugnance.

What they are really trying to say is that all of these things that they named last week (including desecrating the Eucharist, violating the seal of the confessional and – for the first time – apostasy, heresy and schism), are against the church’s laws.

The dopes in the Vatican media missed that day in Media 101, where they tell you to release a big item first and then a more controversial one later on after the media has given the first piece it’s due.

The Vatican clearly expected the headline to read:

Vatican Includes Sexual Abuse as Crime Against the Church

And instead they got:

Vatican equates Ordination of Women with Sexual Abuse Crimes.

A nice rant on this is from the Anchoress. Who I think is on the money here. Maybe she could run the media office?