Paul Snatchko writes:
On Tuesday, a little round of “tag” ensued at this end of the Catholic blogosphere. Those tagged were asked to name their five favorite devotions.
So since he tagged me my favorite devotions are:
1) The Ignatian Examen: Which I do almost every day, usually when I walk the dog late at night and it’s quiet and I can think about the past day–the good and the bad. I sometimes use or
2) Sunday mass (does that count?): Most importantly I would say that holding my wife’s hand during the Penitential rite which reminds me of the times that I haven’t been able to hold her hand.
3) The Rosary: Which I say when I don’t have the words to pray and I am grateful for the words the church gives us.
4) The Stations of the Cross: Which I’m always looking for new ways to make these come alive and where people can share their reflections on these.
5) Praying to St Ignatius and St Joseph and most recently Dorothy Day.
I look to them for guidance and support often and always feel peace and gratitude when I ask for their intercession.
I’ll add a final one:
6) Song: I probably like listening more than singing because I’m not a great singer (although my wife likes it when I sing to her). But having voices raised in song gives me a lift almost always.
Sorta like this: