I’ve been relaxing with my wife and her family over the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s been a lot of fun. We went to see Sesame Street Live with my youngest niece. My nephew is taking all kinds of engineering like courses for teens. I went to see Harry Potter with my other niece and the shock of all time: both of the older nieces have boyfriends!

I sized them both up. They seem harmless enough. I remember being a teen age boy and the concept of having sex with a girl was about as foreign as winning the lottery to me. I know times have changed, but I also know my nieces to be strong women and smart as well.

My sister in law and her husband are Jewish, so we had a wonderful Shabbat dinner on Friday as well as Thanksgiving with extended family.

As for my family, mom is in the hospital again. She’s OK, a painful bout of diverticulitis is the culprit. It’s no fun being in the hospital on the holidays. As they say, “There’s no place like home for the holidays” and we know that all too well in the Hayes household.

So today, enjoy being home if that’s where you find yourself. If separated, find joy in the memories and pray for those who have gone before us.

I’m off to hug my favorite niece one more time.