If you’re a student who is headed off to college (or even law school, grad school or some other pre-professional program) then come on by St Joseph University Parish in Buffalo tomorrow night (drive all night if you have to). There’s a free dinner for all students headed to college and a discussion led by Nora Bradbury Haehl co-author of The Freshman Survival Guide.

One might be fearful about heading off to college for the first time. I remember in particular being worried about who my roommate would be. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the first day to find him dancing naked to Erasure’s O’Lamour at 7AM or so!

My only thought was “And how am I going to address this?”

However, we went on to become very close friends and he’s one of the many friends from college that I treasure and value still today. When we moved to Buffalo, I was afraid that I’d lose contact with many of my friends from New York but he’s one of the few who hasn’t let that happen. He even came to visit. So even when your worst fears are realized, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.

Some other questions that we’ll explore:

How can I be sure that I am following God’s will for me?
When I’m away from home what can help homesickness?
What do you don’t get along with your roommate?
How can I make friends at college?
What can I do if I don’t make it academically or “I’m not the smartest anymore?”
How can I keep connected with God and my faith community?
Can I pay off college?
How can I keep balanced—new friends, activities, classes, work, and transition?
What to do about the “hook-up” culture?
How do you deal with differing points of view?
What if I fail?

We’ll not only have Nora answering some of these questions but also we’ll have a panel of “experts”, recent college graduates and current college students tell you what the real deal is about college life.

The event will be held on Wednesday June 20 at 6PM at St Joseph University Parish.
3269 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214

For more information just call us at (716) 833 0298 x311 or email me at [email protected]