Today I am at the Vicariate meeting for Campus Ministry here in the Diocese of Buffalo on the beautiful campus of Hilbert College. Our morning is filled with sunlight and reflection on John Henry Newman.
And so we pray:
Our patron, John Henry Newman, faced the fear that change always brings with it. Help each one of us to face the changes in our lives, by comforting us with the same kindly light that Newman was led by.
Help us walk slowly through that dark night where all is unfamiliar and new, even frightening.
Let us remember, Lord, that you lead us even when we think we are not being led and that our own arrogance leads us to close the search for where you are pulling our hearts.
To whom shall we go? To no one that you would not have us be gift to! Let us not choose our own path, but rather shine that kindly light to show us where we might meet out heart’s desires and provide those we are called to serve with what they deeply need.
May our colleagues, new and old, be given the light that inspires confidence over arrogance and tenderness over harshness.
May our students meet us as trusted sources where in their doubt and confusion, they might find in us a respite that shines that kindly light to point them to you, O Lord.
And may you call all of us not just to higher education, but also, to the world, where we meet the least of our brothers and sisters. May that same kindly light, open our eyes so that our hearts will be moved to love them. And by loving them, we might be the light that leads all to you. Amen.
Pray for us today as we listen to one another and discuss where we are led by Christ.
For myself, this year has brought many changes and I find myself awash in confusion at times and waiting in eager anticipation for new ventures. Some have showed themselves already to me and others still live in the darkness.
So as I travel with my companions this year, pray that I find where I am being led to serve our students. For it is there that I will find not only that guidance, but also peace. Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will. Make of me what pleases you, for your love and grace are enough for me.