OK, Now I’m Addicted to Wedding Videos
The dreaded best man speech… Here are two guys that really knocked it out of the park: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
Another Wedding video
This is more silly…but still great… Brian & Eileen’s Wedding Music Video. from LOCKDOWN projects on Vimeo. Coming up…a play by play of my own wedding— no video but maybe…
St. Frank of Limerick
“The happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood. People everywhere…
Dancing in the Aisles is permitted..at least in this church
Now I know how I’m celebrating the renewal of vows ceremony on my 10th anniversary! A HUGE hat tip to Deacon Greg for forwarding me this. It actually made me…
Once in a while…I still have some sports thoughts
I guest columned an item on the Mets Police retiring #8 for Yogi Berra and Gary Carter. Retire #8 on 8/8Two Hall of Famers have worn #8 for the Mets…
Tonight on Net TV…Once Again…
is me. I did an iWitness segment with them on my ministry to young adults. I was quite moved by some of the questions so check it out by going…
What a Surprise- VOTF..going broke
Voice of the Faithful, the reform and advocacy group that emerged in 2002 in the wake of the clerical sex abuse revelations in Boston, has announced that it may be…
Would You Care for Someone Passed Out on the Sidewalk?
As I walked my dog last night I happened to pass my local parish in Woodside only to find a young man passed out cold on the sidewalk. My dog,…
What gift would you give the Pope?
So Barack gave the Pope a stole and the Pope autographed a copy of his encyclical. If you were to meet the Pope what would you want to give to…
Australian Town Bans Bottled Water
From Mother Jones Residents of Bundanoon, New South Wales, Australia have voted to ban the sale of bottled water in their rural town—probably the first in the world to do…