Everything you ever wanted to know about Canon Law and My Book
My favorite new podcast is The Everyday Catholic. Why? Because the host David Dawson, from the Diocese of Baton Rouge really gets the internet. He gets right to the meat…
The Princess and the Priest
The debut episode of the newest Busted Halo feature. http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
Greatest Thing Ever
From one of the finest men I know: Fr Jim McDermott, SJ at America Magazine’s blog yesterday: A strange, fun tidbit: the alignment of Venus and Mercury relative to Earth…
Bob Sheppard Retiring…not so fast
For once being lazy works out for me. An announcement came down yesterday that Yankee Stadium Announcer Bob Sheppard who I interviewed on Busted Halo last year about possibly coming…
And for what else shall we pray?…On Facebook?
I’m going to take a different turn than the usual posting of my prayers and those who’ve asked for them today and issue a type of challenge/complaint (I’m not sure…
April Fool’s Podcast
Is now up here. My “Out of the Hayes (Haze? I can’t decide!)” reflection deals with “the fool” in scripture–in today’s scripture for that matter. We also cover a question…
Anger in the Church
Fr. Mark Mossa, S.J. highlights this morning’s blogging as he gets the first tip o’ the hat when his experience of the readings at mass brought him to an unexpected…
Tony Dungy to join White House Faith Initiatives Advisory Council
US News has the scoop: The White House has invited recently retired NFL Coach Tony Dungy, whose outspoken Christian faith fueled his 2007 support for a gay marriage ban and…