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Pope to Young Angolans:
The Pope’s full message to Young Angolans can be found here. But here are just three quick snips: At present though, and even in our midst, I see some of…
Notre Dame and the Pro-choice President
MSNBC has the latest on the number of Notre Dame alumns and students who object to having President Obama come to give the commencement address this May on the campus.…
The Man Born Blind
This weekend’s gospel talks about “the man born blind”. We see Jesus heal this man–a man thought to be incurable–not because of the lackof medical technology but rather, because it…
New Bishop in Oakland
A hat tip to A Catholic View via Twitter This morning Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone to become the next Bishop of Oakland, Calif. Currently serving as…
How many of us would say this?
A beautiful story lede in the NY TImes today: LUANDA, Angola — Manuel Domingos Bento, a 62-year-old farmer with a paralyzed right leg, had journeyed 50 miles to the outskirts…
George Weber RIP
Over the weekend veteran WABC radio newsman George Weber was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment, a victim of murder. The police are investigating but it looks like he was…
Baton Rouge
Spent the weekend in Baton Rouge as I did the keynote at the Diocese of Baton Rouge’s conference. A great time despite some technical snafus during my presentation. It worked…
Sticking with Lent
Have you conitnued with the BustedHalo Lenten–Fast Pray Give Calendar? Check it out by clicking here
A Pilgrimage to Paulist Founder Fr. Isaac Hecker’s Tomb