I Told You So
Peter Schiff should call Ben Stein today and say… “How’s that portfolio doing today? Glad you had Bearn Stearns and Merril Lynch.” Which leads me to say that there are…
Great Night at Sirius
We had our first of many BustedHalo Showcases last night…where we invite people to see what we do and to also ask them to help us with our ministry financially.…
An Early Advent Thought
From America Magazine and Fr James DiGiacomo, a good guy and a life-long Cubs fan. God will try to come to each of us in many ways during the next…
Austrian Cardinal accused of liturgical abuse
Cardinal Schoenborn was accused by many of liturgical abuses all over the net today. This was a youth mass and once might ask a better question: Was the youth who…
California Fires: Let us Pray…but where?
The Benedictine Anglican Monks lost their monastery and retreat house in the fire. One of the more inspiring comments I have heard from the Monks was: “One of the hazards…
Oscar Romero, he’s not
This story in the National Catholic Reporter is interesting: The Associated Press reported Nov. 17 that Archbishop Fernando Sáenz Lacalle spoke out against a criminal complaint filed last week in…
An Adult Sense of Faith
I sat with my friend, Liz, at my reunion for a long time…who not only went to high school with me but we were even in the same Kindergarten class!…
An Awesome Reunion
It’s been 20 years since my high school graduation and last night we had our reunion in Yonkers. It was great to catch up with friends like Karen Lewandowski who…
Is Evolution Making a Monkey Out of the Catholic Church?
Here’s the latest video that I narrated and wrote for BustedHalo.com. It’s an interview with Fr George Coyne, S.J. who was the head of the Vatican Observatory. http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
Barack to Benedict: The Call
President Elect Obama called the Pope to thank him for his congratulatory message. No further details are available as all calls with world leaders and a President or President-elect are…