John Allen and Ron Rohlheiser
I had planned on blogging some of this myself but wanted to digest it further. John Allen and Ron Rohlheiser were two speakers at the Paulist 150th Celebration. Gashwin blogs…
Under a bushel basket
Fr. Steven Bell, CSP celebrates his first mass today. The gospel is the bit about “You are the light of the world.” And also, “You can’t hide your light under…
Go Bishops Go!
The U.S. Bishops addressed a letter to the leaders headed to the G8 Summitt on July 7-9. Some Highlights: As the G8 Summit in Japan approaches, we write on behalf…
Fr Mark Mossa – new blog
No commenting on the new blog…but always a thoughtful comment.
Extemporaneously Speaking
During Scott Appleby’s presentation he misspoke and called our website “Broken Halo.” I mention this not to slight the good professor’s name (God knows thousands of people make the same…
Always good to get praise
I got a nice note from my boss this morning saying how proud he was of Bill McGarvey and myself during the entire 150th Anniversary gathering of the Paulists. Every…
Good News on Dad
Some kind of “airborne, mysterious” virus entered my dad’s system and THAT was what pushed his blood pressure and heart rate up–not a stroke or a heart attack. I suppose…
More from Fr. Bell’s Ordination
The newly ordained pictured here with My wife and I…and his new priestly hat…our gag gift to him. Fr. Steven will serve his first assignment at St. Austin's Parish in…
Fr. Steven Bell, CSP – new priest
Fr. Steven Bell, CSP is the newest member of the priesthood of the Paulist Fathers.Fr. Steven spent a summer with us at and is a delight to be around.…
Prayers for Dad
Readers: I am at the Paulist 150th Anniversary in Washington but while I was here my dad was taken to the hospital with an elevated heart rate, trembling and a…