You Probably Think This Post Is About You
Qooheleth (the name means preacher and he is the narrator of Ecclesiastes) starts off Sunday’s first reading with the words: “Vanity of Vanities…all is vanity.” Well…what exactly is vanity? And…
How Far Would You Go For Reality TV?
Dr. Christine Whelan at Busted Halo’s® Virtue/Vice Blog suggest quite far: A French documentary, which aired this spring, argues that we’d do anything to win a reality television show —…
Fr Dave Dwyer Gets Low with Robert Duvall
Fr Dave Dwyer, CSP interviews Robert Duvall about his latest movie Get Low and a bit about The Apostle as well. Get Low opens this weekend in major markets. Here’s…
More on Anne Rice leaving Christianity
Catholic Anarchy responds: I can’t say I can’t relate to Rice’s frustrations with the Catholic Church and with her feeling that she is an “outsider.” I do think the Googling…
Anne Rice Quits Christianity
Anne Rice, who Bill McGarvey interviewed extensively for® awhile back abruptly “quit Christianity. Yesterday, on her facebook page she wrote: For those who care, and I understand if you…
Fordham: 50 Years Later
Joonmo Ku and Amy Murphy, two of my Fordham classmates sent this piece in the USA Today from a Fordham grad who attended his 50th reunion. How he describes Fordham…
The Roamin Collars
While not especially current in musical style, I’m sure when the Paulists started this folk group they were a big hit. Paul Snatchko found this on you tube randomly and…
Were Our Hearts Not Burning Within Us As He Opened the Scriptures For Us…
I just got back from my trip to Fr Larry Boadt’s funeral. Here you see the Paulist Fathers and other clergy and Fr. Larry’s family surrounding his casket as they…
The Wild Ride to Larry Boadt’s Funeral
So I’m literally on an overnight bus ( to NYC to attend Fr Larry Boadt’s funeral. It was the only way I could afford to go. Two of my Catholic…
Sunsets Never Get Boring…
And I’ve seen some of the most beautiful ones ever this summer in Buffalo (of all places! Who knew!?). Here are two shots from, believe it or not, my living…