Do You Ask Friends Their Opinions on Life’s Decisions?
That’s what many college students do and many emerging adults as well. Carolyn McNamara Barry and Stephanie Madsen, two sociologists working on the Changing Sea Project–which is chock full of…
More on Married Priesthood
Paul Snatchko, who is always a good read at his blog posted Deacon Greg’s Patheos article on Facebook and it exploded with comments. Here’s my favorite one from Brian Barcaro,…
What do the 2/3 of people who don’t go to mass do on Sunday?
That’s a great question and I’d love to know the answer. I know I’d have the tendency to sleep in, veg out and maybe play with the dog. I’m sure…
Bob Sheppard’s Love
A final word on Bob Sheppard, the Yankee Stadium announcer who died last week. Many did not know much about Bob Sheppard but we do know that he was married…
A Picture is Worth…
Much more than 1000 words. It can be what provokes peace, contemplation and a deepening of love. Take a gander: After seeing this picture of me from my friend’s wedding…
In Gratitude for Recovery from Illness…
Fran, over at St Edward’s Blog writes today after a serious illness landed her in the hospital in need of relinquishing one gallbladder. Her thoughts on the gratitude of not…
Did the Vatican Really Say Women’s Ordination is a Crime Equivalent to Priest Sex Abuse?
Well…they sorta did. But not really. Here’s one version of that story to get you up to date. You have to speak Vaticanese to know what they really mean as…
Technological Clericalism
Picking up from yesterday’s conversation on clericalism: Now an interesting point that I could raise concerns technology. Bloggers and writers like Mark Shea and myself certainly wield much power in…
Is Clericalism Alive and Well?
Mark Shea over at Catholic Exchange today offers a piece on clericalism and links it to the women’s ordination movement saying in essence that the female who longs for ordination…
More On Bob Sheppard
A friend reminded me of the time I requested an interview with Bob and he called me back and left the message on the voicemail–which I somehow accidentally deleted one…