Papal Preacher is No Fr. James Martin, SJ
Fr. Jim Martin, SJ had words that everyone should have read yesterday: Good Friday, though, reminds us that Jesus went to his crucifixion freely and surrendered his life for something…
The Vigil: Hiding in the Upper Room
Good Friday is done and now we hide away in the upper room. We all have an upper room. A place where we go when we are too afraid to…
Why is Today Called Good Friday?
What have I done to God, that God doesn’t love me? I’ve been asked that question by many UB students here and other statements like it. “God doesn’t like phonies…
Not Only My Feet, Lord…
All of me… Why not take all of me? Are we willing to offer all of ourselves to anyone really? I know there are parts of me that I don’t…
Spies Like Us
Today is “Spy Wednesday” which has been called such because we reflect on the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. I often think that really Jesus was betrayed by all of…
Glenn Beck Couldn’t Pick Dorothy Day Out of a Police Lineup, But Knows She’s a Marxist
From the Sojourners blog today and Robert Ellsberg. It was surprising to see Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement, described on the Glenn Beck show as a Marxist.…
Can God Forgive Us?
Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the need for forgiveness, not because I’m particularly troubled by my own failure at reconciliation (I am. But that’s another story.). Rather, I’ve…
1000 Comments, in fact, nearly 1,100
Katie Revai, a student from our alternative spring break trip is the winner in the “Be the 1000th comment” contest here on Googling God. She is saving me postage by…
Despite the Sex Scandal, I Remain Catholic
A friend recently asked me to talk to him about how I’m able to stay Catholic despite the sexual abuse scandal that has reared it’s ugly head in Ireland and…
Should Martyrs be Automatically Made Saints?
I know of nobody more deserving of sainthood than the El Salvador Martyrs namely: Archbishop Oscar Romero, the Jesuit Martyrs from Central American University and the Nuns and lay workers…