Basketball League for Whites Only?
Fran over at the Parish Blog of St. Edward the Confessor pointed me to this article on A new professional basketball league called the All-American Basketball Alliance (AABA) sent…
God Moments? Roger Ebert on Dining, Not Eating
Roger Ebert, who you may know has lost the power of speech from his battle with thyroid cancer has also lost the ability to eat and drink as well. He…
Millennial Milestones
I’m speaking today at the Diocese of Buffalo’s Millennial Milestones conference, an all-out effort to appeal to the needs of the young adults of the diocese. Rumor has it that…
Reflection – Wedding at Cana: The Turning Power of Jesus
So I’ve got a story about a wedding… Three days before my wedding…I went down to the restaurant where we were holding our reception to check on some items that…
When God is All You Have…
A beautiful reflection from A Concord Pastor today: A snip Just a few minutes ago, I saw video of hundreds of Haitians processing through the streets of Port au Prince…
I Have a Dream…
We think about that Dream today. As an African-American sits in the oval office, as a country of primarily black people need our help, as racism and gang violence plague…
The Priestly Pooch
Deacon Greg brings us a story of a priest and his best friend and a parish who “gets it”: For those who think dogs would be such a distraction in…
Living with Uncertainty – A Haitian Young Adult Reflects:
Mirlande Jeanlouis from BustedHalo reflects on the Haitian earthquake where she has several family members in more than precarious positions. This was one of the more honest reflections I’ve read…
Question Box: Is the Holy Spirit a bird?
This is a common misconception that just as Jesus takes on our human form that God also takes on a dove’s body and therefore we perhaps might want to think…
Why is there suffering?
Our buddy Paul Snatchko had great and insightful words yesterday. So a wave o’ the cap over to him. Considering the tragedy that has taken place in Haiti, the final…