What Would Winnie the Pooh Do?
Sometimes fictional characters lead us to examine our own lives more deeply. I was reminded of this by another blogger as she wrote When I am teaching I sometimes think,…
What is Spiritual Direction?
I’ve answered this question before but this article from the Philly Inquirer does a nice job of explaining: Fifteen years ago, Susan Cole was a pastor with a troubling dilemma:…
Mass Etiquette: Do Catholics Sing? And Should We Practice Before Mass?
Last week we talked about babies crying at mass, attire for worship and now I’d like to examine a third topic. Do Catholics sing? Now granted, I’m no Frank Sinatra,…
Brittany, A Boy and a Blind Beagle…in a Buick?
BustedHalo® Development Coordinator and all-around awesome pal, Brittany Janis, is hitting the road. And you should try to track her down. BustedHalo’s® latest out of the box idea is akin…
Your Love and Your Grace Are Enough For Me…
and the Lutherans agree with us on that. Salvation is through grace alone…but don’t take my word for it. Take Cardinal George’s. http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
The esteemed BustedHalo® Columnist Dr Christine Whelan steps out of her sex and relationships role to profile one of the world’s greatest scientists who you probably have never heard of.…
Project Chaste: Not For Losers?
Often when young people start talking about leading chaste lives and screaming it from the rafters that they are saving themselves for marriage, I wonder why they need to make…
CatholicMom: Worried About Being a Parent in a New Technological Age
Lisa Hendey, better known as Catholic Mom puts a call to action regarding the video we posted last week. If I had a dime for every parent who said something…
Do You Wear Your Sunday Best?
Do you get dressed up for Sunday mass? I have to say it’s not always a priority for me when I’m not in a ministry role at mass as a…
Oh look, another reason to leave New York: Laundromat Wars
So last night I’m doing my laundry at the local Laundromat in Woodside. I usually am a good husband and take the larger loads for my wife up to the…