Hudson Plane Crash Audio
This is amazing: Embedded video from CNN Video Ever been on a plane in which you thought it was soon going to be all over? Coming back from my honeymoon…
A Deacon-to-be blogs Catholicism by Mike Hayes
This is amazing: Embedded video from CNN Video Ever been on a plane in which you thought it was soon going to be all over? Coming back from my honeymoon…
This just in from CNN In an executive order to be announced on Thursday, Obama does not rescind Bush’s provision to allow faith-based groups to discriminate in their hiring practices,…
Sandro Magister–Vaticanista par excellence, has much to add about the SSPX story. In the disaster, Pope Benedict XVI found himself to be the one most exposed, and practically alone. Both…
Please keep Amy Welborn in your prayers. Her husband and Catholic author Michael Dubriel collapsed this morning at the gym and died needless to say quite suddenly. Our Sunday Visitor…
A three alarm fire has broken out at Chicago’s Holy Name cathedral. Although the fire has been snuffed out at this juncture the AP reports “severe damage to the attic…
Anyone hear more about this guy? It’s tearing up the wires in Europe and CNN mentions it briefly. From CNN A priest who called the Harry Potter book series satanic…
For those who doubted: The Vatican demanded Wednesday that a bishop who denied the Holocaust recant his positions before being fully admitted into the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican also…
Cardinal Francis George, USCCB President and friend of Googling God made this statement on the recent SSPX shenanigans and Bishop Williamson. Hat tip to Deacon Greg: Statement of Cardinal Francis…