Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral on fire
A three alarm fire has broken out at Chicago’s Holy Name cathedral. Although the fire has been snuffed out at this juncture the AP reports “severe damage to the attic…
German Bishop-appointee says Katrina punishment for gays and immorality?
Anyone hear more about this guy? It’s tearing up the wires in Europe and CNN mentions it briefly. From CNN A priest who called the Harry Potter book series satanic…
Pope mandates recant to reconcile with SSPX
For those who doubted: The Vatican demanded Wednesday that a bishop who denied the Holocaust recant his positions before being fully admitted into the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican also…
USCCB, Cardinal George weighs in on SSPX
Cardinal Francis George, USCCB President and friend of Googling God made this statement on the recent SSPX shenanigans and Bishop Williamson. Hat tip to Deacon Greg: Statement of Cardinal Francis…
Daily Inspiration
Casting Crowns–another Christian rocker that I can more than tolerate.
Sad Time for Legionaries of Christ
The Legionaries of Christ are having themselves a week they’d soon like to forget. It has long been rumored that their founder Marcial Maciel was in fact accused of several…
St. Blaise Day – Get yer Throats Blessed!
Today is one of my favorite feast days of the Church. St. Blaise, an Armenian Bishop was martyred for the faith by order of the Emperor Licinius, who wanted all…
Archbishop of Hamburg Criticizes Vatican PR
Give this Bishop credit for saying what everyone else is thinking. Werner Thissen, the archbishop of Hamburg, said Pope Benedict XVI should have lifted the excommunication of Bishop Richard Williamson…
Interview with the Vampire Writer
I’ve never been a big fan of the vampire books that Anne Rice has written over the years but this new spiritual memoir, Called Out of Darkness, seems really interesting.…