Social Media and Church
Meredith Gould Google +ed this to her circle which I’m proud to be included in yesterday:
Is Blogging Dying?
My pal. Fran, over at There Will Be Bread, posted about Blogging today. I found her thoughts to be both provocative and interesting and I think there’s a larger, nay,…
Who’s Caring for My Baby?
Barbara Wheeler is, that’s who. Who’s Barbara Wheeler, you ask? She’s the new editor in chief at®, the web magazine that I started and continue to contribute to now…
A Campus Minister’s Worst Nightmare
From the ticker blog at the Chronicle of Higher Education: A Binghamton University senior has died in an automobile accident while on a college-sponsored summer research trip in Costa Rica.…
Off To College?
If you’re a student who is headed off to college (or even law school, grad school or some other pre-professional program) then come on by St Joseph University Parish in…
When Cars Hit Dogs
Last night, we took a “family” walk. Marion, Haze the Dog and myself went walking up Bailey Ave in Amherst which is one of the busier streets in my neighborhood.…
A Military Chaplain Repents
Br. Dan over at Dating God, posted this interview from 1984 with a former military chaplain priest. His words speak volumes about the need for Catholics to speak out against…
Children Under 6 Banned from Restaurant
DailyMail has the story: Children crying in restaurants can be enough to frustrate even the most sympathetic diner. But one restaurateur is so fed up with noisy toddlers disturbing his…
The Church of the White Middle Aged Woman
So last week, I was out of town in Washington, D.C. and attended mass at a lovely community that came highly recommended to me. What I found there was a…
Should We Clap at Mass?
The anchoress had a recent “hissy fit” post up regarding clapping at mass. (I think crankiness is entertaining). You know, the spontaneous outbursts for the choir when their musical skills…