More on the Confession App
Phil Fox Rose of Busted Halo, takes issue with some of the same aspect of the new app that I mentioned yesterday. But I have one serious problem with it.…
Plunging For Jesus
From my colleague Julianne Wallace: Just watch I kinda want to do this with the students now. Was surprised he went in with his robes.
A Month of Ordinary
Ordinary Time, my foot. This month, the 30 days before Ash Wednesday, is filled with much preparation. I’m slated for preparations for the following throughout Lent: a retreat, an alternative…
The Feast of Hayes
1970 didn’t seem like that long ago in 1990. But 41 years have passed since my mom and dad decided (against the doctor’s wishes) to have me at the age…
Confession…There’s an App For That
Now I bought the new confession app on my iPhone because I was curious. I sat with the students and we went through it. This might be the most useless…
Inspiration: Level Out
My colleague Jim Merhaut plays in a band (who knew?) called JD Eicher & the Goodnights. Here’s their latest video which I really love. The social justice theme in this…
I’m a Weenie When I’m Sick
It never fails. I always get sick right around my birthday. And with two days from the feast of Hayes, I have one of the worst sore throats I have…
Salt and Light
One of my only memories of seeing John Paul II was at World Youth Day in Toronto. At that point, he was well past his prime and his speech was…
Selling God at the Super Bowl
Some time ago, when I was in radio, one of the bigger controversies the station faced was an ad that was bought by the controversial religious group “Jews for Jesus.”…
I Like the Idea of Being Contemplative
Whenever I go to a monastery, I attend mass with the monks at minimum. Their slow and steady chants often bring me some calm when I listen to them on…