Can Roller Coasters Promote Religious Experience?
This weekend I went to Carowinds Theme Park in Charlotte and I rode the “Dale Earnhardt” Intimidator, not once, not twice, but three times (and no puking involved) with my…
The Voice of God…Stilled
Bob Sheppard the great Yankee public address announcer has died at the reported age of 99 after a full life filled with much joy. I place a picture of his…
The First Busted Halo® Wedding
I’m in Charlotte today with Marion for the wedding of my friends Jonathan Louie Ong and Marianne Duca (our friend Karena has Haze the Dog–ruff!) and it is the first…
My 10 Best Hymns
Deacon Greg who led me to the First Things Article on the 10 Worst Hymns (in their view, some of which, I like a lot actually) decided to write a…
Young Adults Inspire South African Bishop to Question Hierarchical Structures
Bishop Kevin Dowling, (A redemptorist) from South Africa offers the following thoughts that others including America Magazine’s Fr James Martin, SJ, (h/t to the good Father) have been noting positively…
What Should Church Music Sound Like?
I don’t really agree with this posting, as I could probably think of some hymns that the author would love that I think would depress Mary Poppins. But judge for…
NYC had nearly 90,000 abortions last year?!
John Wilson, a guy who I love to talk with, has an op-ed in the New York Post about the abortion rate in New York City. According to the city…
Forgiveness for Father
A hanky wave (as opposed to a hat tip) to Deacon Greg for posting this today. Get one yourself and then read this amazing story of reconciliation We need an…
Blog Favorite: City Father
I’ve been meaning to bring up how impressed I’ve been with Paulist Father (and good friend) Ron Franco’s blog City Father. Recently, Fr. Ron was just named pastor of the…