Prayer Intention for Tuesday’s Alternative Spring Break
We head into new directions over the next three days. For some of our group, work with infants at Mercy Center in the Bronx awaits them, while their mothers learn…
I will give you a new covenant
We’re off this morning to Covanent House to do some service work with children (we think). Two days in and a fantastic full day yesterday capped by a beautful “jazz…
Prayer Intention for Monday’s Alternative Spring Break
Today we work with Covenant House and we’re not exactly sure what it is that we’ll be doing just yet. So today we sit and leave ourselves open to your…
Old People Rock
The students and I spent our first full day in New York City at Kateri Residence which is a home for elderly adults. I had forgotten how much fun it…
Prayer Intention for Sunday’s Alternative Break
This morning I pray with gratitude for the students who have travelled with Katie and me to New York City. It has been a long journey and now we begin…
MegaBus to NYC
We’ve gotten on Megabus to NYC and the quotes have already started. “This is like a plane on wheels.” “Um, planes have wheels!” — Wait! Is that a GameBoy? Yep!…
For the Sake of the Gospel
It never gets easy to leave my wife and Haze the Dog for a week no matter how much fun I know lies ahead on our trip to New York.…
NYC Bound
We are headed to NYC today on Megabus to serve the needs of the poor. You can follow our meanderings here all week long as I’ll have some students doing…
A Dog’s Life
I couldn’t tell if this had actually happened to our blogging buddy over at In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being, or if it’s a secondhand story.…
Be Naked at Church?
Um, this is not what I meant… From American Papist Dressing up to go to church has long been out of fashion in many denominations. Most Sunday services at church…