Heading for 1000 Comments
Still time to gear up for the 1000th comment on Googling God. The winner gets an autographed copy of the book, Googling God, written my yours truly. Be part of…
Tales from the Sacristy: Gaffs and Blunders
Altar Boys and Girls make tons of the mistakes. The secret is to not let anyone know that this happens by making your mistakes small and not so huge that…
Tales from the Sacristy: LOL
A visiting priest once forewarned a group of us altar boys: “If I see any of you laughing on the altar, I will throw you off of the altar and…
Altar Boy Humor: Tales from the Sacristy #1
So I’ll share some of the more funny experiences I’ve had as an altar server. Some happened at mass itself and others were in preparation for mass and others even…
Altar Girls and the Priesthood Shortage
Dedicating this week’s post to discussions on altar servers has proved to open the floodgates. As the first post to the first discussion claims “Altar girls are an abomination and…
A Server’s Prayer
I was talking with a parent recently about altar servers and recalled that before I served mass as a young man we had posted in the sacristy a prayer that…
Oh Canada!
While I’m now a fan of the Buffalo Sabres and wasn’t happy to see Ryan Miller the Sabres goalie lose, I was ecstatic at seeing the Canadians win on their…
Live Tweeting Abortion
Angie Jackson has taken micro-blogging to a whole new level. The New York Daily News reports one of the more tasteless stories I’ve heard about in a long time. A…
Misbehaving Children at Mass
One of the hallmarks of our parish is the openness to families with small children. Parents often remark on how welcome they feel and how they don’t feel horrible when…