But your Reward in Heaven is Great…
Deacon Greg was asked a question on Lino Rulli’s radio show yesterday which I’ve been asked several times, by people who know that I’m considering the Diaconate. Do you get…
I’m moving…the blog that is….
I’ll be creating a new home for this blog over the next few days. You’ll be able to find me at GooglingGod.com–which I was finally able to acquire with the…
Feb 9, 2010: The End of Young Adulthood
I’m 40. There I said it. Indeed the great minister of those in the 20s and 30s has now aged out of the demographic. I remember back when I started…
A Birthday Prayer
Lord, you have blessed me with more human years than you even blessed yourself withMy forty years are a mere shadow to your timeless self But in your 33 human…
Hayesmas Eve
So at our weekly staff luncheon we did a pre-birthday celebration for my birthday and the birthday hats were placed upon me head! Which one should be my new facebook…
God Moments: At a Wedding
The Second of our God Moments comes from our same source as the first, Eileen Hooper Chapoton who is from the Loyola Institute for Ministry in New Orleans. My daughter,…
Family Time in Yonkers
My sister and parents and I are spending a quick 24 hours today in Yonkers as we celebrate my sister and my birthday early. It’s the big 4-0 for me…
There was a Faith Bowl I and a Faith Bowl II Apparently…
Faith Bowl III is coming your way… On February 7th, also known as Super Bowl Sunday, CatholicTV will air “Faith Bowl III”. Faith Bowl is a round-table discussion by sports…
Today’s Inspiration: We Live on Borrowed Time
Not only is my pastor an awesome guy AND an awesome preacher… But he can obviously belt out a snappy tune too! http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
Living Our Faith…on TV
Kevin Tracy who hosts and produces the series “Living Our Faith” in the Milwaukee Archdiocese out of Marquette University interviewed me for their upcoming beginning of Lent series. Check me…