Good News on Dad
Some kind of “airborne, mysterious” virus entered my dad’s system and THAT was what pushed his blood pressure and heart rate up–not a stroke or a heart attack. I suppose…
A Deacon-to-be blogs Catholicism by Mike Hayes
Some kind of “airborne, mysterious” virus entered my dad’s system and THAT was what pushed his blood pressure and heart rate up–not a stroke or a heart attack. I suppose…
The newly ordained pictured here with My wife and I…and his new priestly hat…our gag gift to him. Fr. Steven will serve his first assignment at St. Austin's Parish in…
Fr. Steven Bell, CSP is the newest member of the priesthood of the Paulist Fathers.Fr. Steven spent a summer with us at and is a delight to be around.…
Readers: I am at the Paulist 150th Anniversary in Washington but while I was here my dad was taken to the hospital with an elevated heart rate, trembling and a…
After dinner the Paulist associates/collaborators (read: lay people) went on a tour of the DC monuments.Here's a shot of the Capitol rotunda.
So for the second time I left my ipod shuffle in my shirt pocket and in it went to the washing machine.Amazingly…it still works! And now it's all shiny!
We were treated to a wonderful day on the Campus of Catholic University today and got two rousing lectures by Dr. David O'Brien and Dr. Scott Appleby from Holy Cross…
An outstanding memorial service as if there could be such a thing–but a true honor of a man’s life. May we all be fortunate enough to be so loved–and to…
That’s 150 years, folks! The Paulists are celebrating their 150th anniversary this week in Washington, DC and I’ll be there providing all the pictures descriptions and accounts of the game…
Fr. Mark Mossa’s first mass was certainly an interesting affair. It was held on the Loyola, New Orleans campus and that morning it rained as it has never raimed before–flooding…