3 Tips for Lectors
So as not to embarrass the lector in question, I attended mass tonight (which is unusual for me to go to a Saturday night vigil mass but we were out…
Congrats to the New Brooklyn Deacons
I spent the morning watching the entire ordination mass for the 20 new Brooklyn Deacons on Net TV. Just a note, but when was the last time you heard a…
Cardinal George Praises Obama on Conscience Rights of Health Care Providers
The USCCB released this statement from their President about President Obama. I am grateful for President Obama’s statement on May 17 that we should all “honor the conscience of those…
“Cautiously Optimistic”
After seeing what the fallout has been regarding President Obama’s speech I’ve seen several people who would never think about being supportive of the President speaking at a Catholic school…
My mom was released from the hospital after finding out thankfully that she is fine. We were afraid that she had colon cancer. Thanks for the prayers. Mike http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GooglingGod
Today’s Inspiration: Where Will You Send Me Lord?
I’ve been humming this for about a week now and don’t really know why but I thought I’d share: Let us pray for those discerning new paths and especially for…
Ireland’s Sex Abuse Scandal Will Make Boston Look Like a Day at the Beach
From the fine folks at Associated Press and a h/t to Deacon Greg DUBLIN (AP) — A commission report into the abuse of thousands of Irish children in Roman Catholic…
Today’s Prayer
Mom’s a bit better–so thanks for the prayers. Let us pray today for those who struggle with family problems. People who are facing divorce, difficult children, financial burdens, foreclosures and…
Vatican Paper: Obama invites us to work in common effort
David Gibson quotes L’Osservatore Romano today: The newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, said the president also confirmed that pushing for a more liberal abortion law would not be a priority of his…
More on President Obama and Abortion
So I’ve heard tons of comments online and in person with the new buzzword: President Obama is the biggest pro-abortion President in the history of our country. Well, that wouldn’t…