If I were Peter, I’d be nowhere near the Courtyard
Here’s an old Busted Halo column that I thought I’d share for Holy Thursday: Usually when St. Peter’s denial of Jesus is recounted every Holy Week I find myself feeling…
A Special Holy Thursday Memory
I met my wife (sorta) on Holy Thursday nine years ago and we went on our first date the following day: A Passover Seder at a friend’s house–where we didn’t…
Giving new meaning to Downward Dog
From today’s NY Times: Doga–Yoga with Dogs! Ludicrous? Possibly. Grist for anyone who thinks that dog-owners have taken yoga too far? Perhaps. But nationwide, classes of doga — yoga with…
Citi Field Tour
I toured the New Citi Field Stadium with my colleagues Bill McGarvey and Jarrad Venegas. Thanks to Fordham and John Cirillo for providing us the opportunity. Here are a few…
Spy Wednesday: Thoughts on Judas
Today is the day that we recall that Judas “looked for an opportunity to hand him over” an imfamously became the most well known traitor known to man. But isn’t…
The Anchoress on Obama and Fire Breathing Pro-lifers
A hat tip to Deacon Greg and Pajamas Media For many pro-life Catholics, myself included, the thought of President Obama addressing the upcoming commencement exercises at Notre Dame just scalds.…
Can a Pro-Life Democrat Please Stand Up?
Hat tip to Deacon Greg for this tidbit: Caroline Kennedy is rumored to be considered to become the Ambassador to the Holy See (The Vatican City-state for those less theologically…
CUA Law Commencement Speaker: Let Obama Speak
A hat tip to American Papist. Mark Shields, the political columnist who will be addressing graduates as commencement speaker at Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law next month, disagrees. Shield’s…
To Vatican Critics: Media Matters for You Too
I got annoyed at a few friends the other night and I think I shot the messenger. They mentioned that they were annoyed at Pope Benedict’s statements while he was…
Archbishop Quinn on Notre Dame and President Obama
This is very clear-headed thinking in America Magazine These questions are not negligible. Cardinal James Gibbons, when he received the “Red Hat,” in a memorable sermon at the church of…