Day 27: Lenten 50 Day Giveaway: The Simpsons
Because I was in college in the early 90s, the Simpsons came into the forefront when I was in college and we were voracious watchers, laughing every Sunday evening together.
Day 26: Lenten 50 Day Giveaway: Outward Hound
Ever try to put a chihuahua in a dog carrier that looks like a baby snuggler? Not a good idea. But maybe my colleague Nora will have better luck.
Elizabeth Johnson responds to Bishops Critique
Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, one of the giants in the world of theology was taken to task by the U.S. Bishops regarding statements in her 2007 book Quest for the Living…
Julianne’s Simple Way
My colleague, Julianne Wallace, over at Buff State is in Philly on her alternative break this week and she’s letting students speak for themselves each day in these great videos.…
So You Want to Go to Seminary?
Fran Fran Rossi Szpylczyn pointed me here on facebook and the laughs came a tumbling out. And the Ro Azzaro followed it up with this one which I think is…
Day 24: 50 Day Lenten Giveaway: Planet Earth
Nick Richter, one of the Catholic volunteers that Marion and I support, gets a super cool DVD set. This has been Nick’s second year as a volunteer and it’s been…
Day 23: 50 Day Lenten Giveaway Day
Anyone remember this children’s TV show? Well, it was one of my favorites and my older sister and I would watch it when I’d get home from school. I’m sure…
Fr. Corapi: Memos Best Left Unwritten
I’ve been under the weather this weekend and so, I missed Deacon Greg’s update over the weekend to the ever unfolding tale. (A hat tip to Bill Cork for pointing…
Geraldine Ferraro RIP
After a long battle with cancer Geraldine Ferraro has died at the age of 75. As the first female Vice-Presidential candidate and a pro-choice Catholic, Ferraro was often the controversial…