Maciel’s Son Sues Legion of Christ
The National Catholic Reporter has a story today about the son of Legion of Christ founder, the late Marciel Maciel Degollado suing the Legion of Christ, saying that Maciel had…
What Else is Offered?
A friend recently was told that they didn’t get a job and it seemed to them that this setback, in a series of setbacks, was simply overwhelming. “I’ve got to…
Memories of a Father
My good friend Shannon Shark who runs the Mets Police blog wrote this touching story on Father’s Day a few years back. I thought it would be good to post…
We All Build Fences
Fences, the gripping play by August Wilson was the first Broadway Play that I had ever seen. Being the son of lower middle class Irish immigrant stock, a trip to…
Catholic Health Care, Sexual Abuse and the Nuns Visitation
John Allen has a great primer on the Catholic Health Care debate reminding us that both the sexual abuse crisis and the recent visitation of women religious will play a…
Who Mentored You?
Mentors are a valuable asset in any line of work but, quite often people don’t find mentors in their lives, preferring to go it alone. Oftentimes, however, mentors aren’t offered…
Does Vocation Equal Happiness?
At the Collegeville institute this question took center stage for some time. I think many young people often think that living out one’s vocation means that they are happy in…
Deaf Interpreters: Jesus is Not Like Godzilla in Today’s Gospel
This comes from Amy Smith Delamer at the wonderful University of Dayton. (Go Flyers!) She noted on Facebook today that today is the Feast of the Body and Blood of…
How Do You Make Decisions?
I just returned from the Collegeville Institute in Minnesota where we discussed “vocation” in reference to college students. We’re not merely, talking about religious vocations to the priesthood, religious life…
Like Bees in the Honeycomb
St Benedict says that the Monks should be “as busy as bees in the honeycomb” and that is exactly what has happened these past few days here in Collegeville, MN…