Some Can’t Even Teach Young Dogs Old Tricks…
Warning for some language here–but this is hysterical and makes me appreciate my mostly obedient dog even more: Let us rejoice in the silliness that is our lives–that things don’t…
Everyone Should Go To This Conference….
To all faithful viewers who are interested in Campus and Young Adult Ministry… This summer on June 25-26 Fordham University’s Curran Center for American Catholic Studies is holding a conference…
Should Security Guards Use Tazers?
Shannon Shark over at the Mets Police finds this offensive and I agree. While the fan as Shannon states is a knucklehead, do we ever talk about tazers as being…
Anglicans May be Denying Christ’s Death
At least according to this acquaintance of Adam Dawkins, the Paulist Development Director who reports this tidbit from the Holy Land: Best line overheard in the Holy Land: yesterday while…
Two Sides of the Same Church?
Semi-mocking what many would call “the one true church” Nick Kristof took aim at the Catholic Church’s hierarchy this weekend. He details two members of our church, a priest and…
What Does Your Confirmation Name Mean to You?
Deacon Greg writes on confirmation names: Young people still choose a confirmation name, a patron saint to model themselves after, and to give them inspiration. (I picked Peter for mine…
Magnificat which is a great tool for praying throughout the day has gone digital. They have launched their iPhone app and it’s free for the first month ($1.99 for each…
Our House…In the Middle of the Street…Our House
We have agreed in principle to buy our first “real house” here in the Buffalo suburb of Amherst. For the New York City folks who have no idea of where…
Any Idiot Can Have a Blog
Deacon Greg has shut down comments on his blog, The Deacon’s Bench, for some time as it seems that the comments have gotten out of hand since he moved from…