Mandatory Reading for Anyone Who Does Ministry With Millennial Catholics: Young Catholics Are Not TALIBAN CATHOLICS
Amen, Amen I say unto you, John Allen of NCR. As usual, he gets the actual story accurately. I’m taking partial credit for this article because this is EXACTLY what…
Oh My God…This Looks Interesting
A movie where they ask what the heck is God? Check out the trailer: Sure to be a conversation starter.
10 Groups We Should Take Better Care of Before the Anglicans
Welcoming the Anglicans should take a backseat to welcoming Hispanic Catholics. So says Paul Snatchko over at Between the Burg and the City. I also think that, for the Catholic…
Marriage for Anglican Priests is OK…But Then Why Not for Catholic Deacons?
I’ve been silent on the Vatican’s recent proclamation about welcoming married Anglican priests into Catholicism who are disenfranchised with their denomination’s ordinations of women and homosexuals. While I’m not sure…
UStream: In Between Sundays: Guest: ME!
Check this out…I was a guest on a great and funny podcast called In Between Sundays. Host Nick and Pat Padley are awesome and used to host the On the…
When All is Lost…St Jude and the Yanks
Paulist Seminarian Tom Gibbons, CSP, who is one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet offers this reflection on his blog, Kicking and Screaming on St. Jude whose…
Men in Black: The Deacon Version
Deacon Greg raises an issue that I’ve heard lots of opinions on: Should Deacons wear a Roman Collar? As a wanna-be Deacon I have a definite opinion on the issue…
The Worry of Death
My friend from college Nancy Keelin Tannucilli, posted a brief note on facebook tonight saying how much she misses her dad, who died 21 years ago when we were just…
Now Blogging from Gotham
From high in the spires of St Patrick’s Cathedral where I can only imagine that Archbishop Tim Dolan has carved a little nook out for his personal reflection time in…
Morning Meditation
Here is a nice version of something we should all pray for each day: A h/t to the great Paul Snatchko, who I miss already.