Tonight Falls the Giant Testicle
That’s how Malachy McCourt, brother of Frank, and famed raconteur of talk shows would start his New Year’s Eve show. But then he’d get serious and say, by the end…
Resolutions 2012
Resolutions always seem to be taken lightly, almost as if we intend to break them even as we make them. “I know I should do this…but I’m not going to.”…
The Holy Family
So today is the feast of the Holy Family and I always end up thinking about how Joseph and Mary interacted with Jesus in tow. Joseph, the silent saint, who…
So…How’s the New Liturgical Changes Treating You?
We’ve let this go for a bit, but I’m doing Ok with it. I’ve got “And with your spirit” down now. I go 5 for 5 every mass now. The…
My Favorite Blogging Posture
Computer on my lap in my bed…best friend right nearby: For the uninformed, that’s Haze Hayes, my chihuahua dog. He used to blog and I’m considering giving him a piece…
A Unitarian on Faith Formation
Since the Unitarians are a creedless faith, The Rev. Peter C. Boullata took up the charge of hoping that they haven’t “institutionalized narcissism. He talks about the challenge to do…
When This Little Light of Mine Didn’t Shine…
So I love the blog Peacebang, who is everyone’s favorite Unitarian. She’s creative and hysterically funny. She must also know that I have a penchant for recalling the times in…
Are Drones Moral?
The Washington Post had an interesting article about the use of drones in warfare. My snap judgement comment is twofold. First that all war is evil and that we need…
Denying Holocaust Heroes
A touching and sad story of combating the world’s worst hatred and of a failure to understand all that was risked in doing so. Eva Weisel writes in an op-ed…
Bill Maher = Angry Atheist
I’d like to say that I often would watch Bill Maher when his politically incorrect show was on ABC-TV. I’d also like to say that I thought he got a…